Kentucky is one of the latest online sports betting markets to launch in the US. With the massive popularity of sports betting, many are now learning how to become a bookie to join the industry.
Accordng to Gov. Andy Bashear, in just the first week of operations, sportsbooks in Kentucky saw a handle of around $50 million. If you manage your sportsbook with a pay per head service then you know how good a $50 million handle for a week's time is. and this is also a good indicator that there truly is interest and demand for sports betting in the state
Kentucky Online Sports Betting
in Kentucky, retail sports betting started ahead, in early September. This gave the state a sort of a soft launch where they can iron out potential issues. They also wanted to ensure a good launch for all sportsbooks and not have all open at the same day. Online sports betting only launched towards the end of the month. Retail sports betting has a $10 million handle for its first month.
Bookies who use a good Bookie Pay Per Head software know that with online wagering, players can access more betting products easily, and with a wide range of portable devices which makes it convenient to many. This is why when you look at betting markets across the country, online betting takes a larger share of the market compared to retail betting. The pattern seems to be similar for sportsbooks in the state.
But really, the data is unsuprising. Many Kentucky residents have long wanted for sports betting to go live in the state. With this, players get to enjoy sports betting from anywhere they are, sportsbooks get a good revenue, and the state gets a good percentage from taxing sports betting. In Kentucky, the amount collected will go towards furthering many state programs, with pension funding in the lead.